Brian and I traded in the Beetle for a '06 Jetta. We LOVE it!
Recently, Brian and I have made the decision to go through the adoption process. We are very excited about this decision. We feel that this is good for our family. Next week we are going to a class at LDS Family Services so we can learn what we need to do to get this process going. It is all I think about and I know that Heavenly Father has had a hand in our decision.
So, we needed to get a 4 door car because I didn't want to fit a car seat in the back of the Beetle. We got a killer deal on this car and couldn't be happier about that.
I am really excited to see how this year is going to play out with the adoption. I know with my luck I will probably get pregnant during this whole thing and then get a baby. It will be like twins. I always wanted twins so I guess that would be ok! ;) I am going to be better at this blog and keep the updates going as we start on this new phase of our lives!!